Our QuickGuides facilitate the setup and the analysis of RealFast™ Assay experiments on your real-time PCR instrument.
RealFast™ Assay experiments for different applications :
- Genotyping experiments with RealFast Assays™ are designed to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and enable for the distinction of the three possible genotypes (wild type/wild type, mutant/wild type and mutant/mutant).
- Variant detection experiments detect the presence or absence of a specific variant of a gene (e.g. the HLA-B*57 variant of the HLA-B gene).
- Copy number variation (CNV) experiments measure relative quantities by comparing ∆Cq-values of the target gene and the endogenous control in relation to a calibrator. Possible applications are the detection of gene deletions or duplications.
Tech- and product notes
Productnote 01: CVD-Marker
Productnote 02: HLA-B27
Productnote 03: HLA-B5701
Productnote 04: HLA-B1502
Productnote 05: HLA-A3101
Technote 07: Influence of Magnetic Beads